Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Catch up

My brief little spurt of posting 10 months ago was adorable and, apparently, basically futile.

The chocolate society is going great. We are actually approaching 2 years! April is our 2nd anniversary, and I can hardly believe it. It is a lot of fun, and I look forward to every single meeting.

Lately we have been tasting a lot of new stuff from a rather wide variety of producers, and it occurred to me that every month's meeting provides a great opportunity for a post as a re-cap.

Something I am rather enjoying from the world of chocolate lately is the number of newcomers to the fine chocolate scene - whether that be new to the states or new period. Just within the last week and a half or so, I had some very exciting new chocolate from Ritual (based out of Colorado) and Sampaka from Spain. My tastes lean toward Sampaka, and I will have a LOT more to say about that later.

I was going to include some stuff about blind tasting here, but for organization's sake, I will separate that.


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